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"There exists within each of us the ability to solve any problem. We are born with a universal knowledge and the inherent ability to tap into it at any time. So, why do we suffer so much,,,


Throughout Trigger Happy Kindred Light relates her personal story of overcoming trauma, her enthusiasm and trust her attitude of I made it through this and so will you lends a sense of realism,...


Trigger Happy is a beautiful book with a lot of potential to do good for a reader who is receptive to these ideas. It is a kind book, humble yet encouraging, even if you do not yet believe in yourself within these pages. Here's a teacher who believes in you."

 - Pacific Book Review

About Trigger Happy

Your heart, not your mind, reveals the solution to every problem.

We can all find our highest life purpose and experience love, peace and joy through healing our hearts and our relationships. Trigger Happy explores the five practices that transformed Kindred's life.

Shockingly, the secret was to investigate the darkest emotions of the heart, such as, fear, anger, grief, hate, guilt, and  shame. On the other side of these demons, lies unimaginable compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, peace, and joy.

Learn to find your own inner guide to lead you to love and joy that does not depend on your life circumstances. 

Trigger Happy teaches Five Steps from Mindfulness to Miracles.

There are diamonds of love, pearls of wisdom, and thunderbolts of energy stored in our triggers, we just need to know how to mine them!

Trigger Happy shows how I became mindful to the state of my heart and released difficult emotional energies, traumatic injuries from past event, the corresponding negative thought patterns and ineffective behavioral habits.

On the other side of these challenges, I discovered unimaginable healing, divine love, and higher consciousness. 

Moreover, miracle upon miracle appeared in my life restoring what had been lost, repairing what had been broken, and healing what had been hurt... 

not just for myself, but for my family also.

Integrate these powerful practices and watch your own life transform in ways you never thought possible.

Concrete Wall

 Full Pacific Book Review

"There exists within each of us the ability to solve any problem. We are born with a universal knowledge and the inherent ability to tap into it at any time. So, why do we suffer so much in trying to decide right from wrong?


Along with this divine wisdom? We are all born with an instinct for the physical body to survive. Author kindred light calls these two forces the Wise One and Sir Ego in her book, Trigger Happy, Transcend Your Triggers, Transform Your Life, Kindred Light lends her depth of knowledge to how we can unknowingly self sabotage, by surrendering to our triggers, and how we can transcend our suffering by tapping into the divine love waiting to be find within ourselves.


The central idea of Trigger Happy is that there is a natural push and pull between two aspects within us, which Kindred Light names Sir Ego and the Wise One. Each of us is embodied by these two opposing forces and our suffering is the result of a lack of cooperation between the two.


Sir Ego keeps us alive by encouraging us to act according to our materialistic needs. Kindred Light describes her ego as our soul that has become identified with the body. The ego interfaces with the material world and believes it is separate from all other people, the natural world and the Creator who created it.


The Wise One is our higher spiritual self, the self that exists in pure love and understands that all things are interconnected. It will be easy to accuse Kindred Light of being idealistic and to dismiss her ideas as hippie hoopla.  Doesn't the promise of infinite love and universal wisdom sound too good to be true, but continue reading from Trigger Happy and this isn't the impression at all you get from the book's author.


For example, Kindred Light writes, "My ex husband is not consciously aware of all the love and forgiveness I've offered to him as part of my own healing. He has not received it yet. But it waits for him in eternity, and for the time when he can accept it. What is apparent to me is that he no longer triggers me and then I somehow have much more power in the relationship."


Throughout Trigger Happy, Kindred Light relates her personal story of overcoming trauma, her enthusiasm and trust, her attitude of I made it through this and so will you lends a sense of realism. Through her own journey of reconciling and connecting Sir Ego and the Wise One, she discovers her ability to forgive unconditionally, and with that, an infinite capacity for love.


Kindred Light is not a stereotype. She is humble and accepting within her inner peace, and above all, you trust her intentions to teach. If Trigger Happy were a class, it would just be described more as a lecture than workshop. The few exercises Kindred Light does offer encouraged the learner but does not provide a roadmap to enlightenment. Kindred Light explains that it has to be this way that learning to hear the Wise One is a personal journey, which can be attained in as many unique ways as there are people in this universe. Listening to the Wise One is a lesson in trusting our inner voice, trusting the divine and universal knowledge within each of us.


Trigger Happy is a beautiful book with a lot of potential to do good for a reader who is receptive to these ideas. It is a kind book, humble yet encouraging, even if you do not yet believe in yourself, within these pages, here is a teacher who believes in you."

Full Hollywood Book Review

 "In the modern world, the idea of self improvement has become more and more of a powerful movement than was previously thought necessary. Self Help delves into several areas of our lives from health, (both physical and mental), to finances, careers, and even spirituality. The need to improve that improve ourselves to find happiness, joy, or contentment is a growing movement that has shown in our darkest moments, in the most harsh or crucial moments of adversity, hope and self improvement can push us to gain a new understanding of ourselves while gaining the things we are searching for in life.


In author Kindred, Lght's Trigger Happy the author hones in on the inner conflicts, which reside within us all and prevent us from finding the true inner happiness and peace we always seek. Through a series of self examinations and exploring the steps the author has found to battle these inner conflict, the book hopes to help readers improve upon their own mental and spiritual health in a way which allows us to find our own inner guides and engage with things like our relationships and connecting with our higher selves in order to find the miracles that can occur on the earthly plane.


The author did an amazing job of finding just the right balance of spirituality insight with the steps needed to approve upon oneself. The way the author was able to hone in on these improvements to their own life was great to see, as it showcased the ways in which these steps can work for the reader as well.


Everything from toxic relationships to addiction and more come into play, and the author's the author's personal connection to these steps, and the reader is able to feel the emotional and spiritual ties that brought the author to these self-realizations. The honesty and depth of the author's writing felt powerful as the book progressed, and the chemistry the author found between the grounded self and the higher self was so fascinating to read about.


This is the perfect book for those who enjoy nonfiction reading, especially those who enjoy self-help style books, which deal with spirituality and mental health as well as self improvement. The author really did an incredible job of honing in on the connection between what is referred to as the divine essence, alluding to the importance of spirituality and energy has on our self help journey. 

The relatability of the darker aspects of doubt and destruction, which resides within us all were aptly discussed, and showcase how important taking these steps in our lives is thoughtful, engaging in a beautiful symphony of hope within the struggle of life, author Kindred Light's Trigger Happy is a must read self-help and spiritual book.


The authenticity and captivating writing style blended well with the imagery and personal stories that helped elevate the lessons the author imparted within the book, and readers will feel a deep connection, both emotionally and spiritually as they take in these lessons for themselves."

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